Browsing by Author Mambu, Joseph Ernest

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2009Christian Discoursing Across Tellings of the Same Story: A Case in EFL Pre-Service Teacher's NarrativesMambu, Joseph Ernest
24-Nov-2023Corporate Social Responsibility Program For Sustainable Development Goals In Gas And Oil Company At East KalimantanGlesia, Geovani Marstumikhe
2023A Critical Narrative Inquiry into the Struggles and Agency of English Language Learners from “Underdeveloped” Regions in West KalimantanMambu, Joseph Ernest; Kurniawan, Ardiyarso
2018Critical Pedagogy in the ELF Era: an Indonesian-based English Language Teacher Educator’s ReflectionMambu, Joseph Ernest
Jun-2020Educational Ministry in Post-Covid-19 Era: Sebuah Tinjauan dari Perspektif Keadilan Sosial bagi Umat ManusiaMambu, Joseph Ernest
Jul-2023EFL Student’s Decision-Making Process When Using Grammarly in Their Written AssignmentsTuhuteru, Jodi Christo
Jul-2023English Language Education Program (ELEP) UKSW Students' Perceptions on Translanguaging Used in ClassroomsMarganingsih, Rosa Delima
8-Dec-2023English Language Education UKSW Students' Perceptions on the Use of Pronunciation Practice ApplicationSingal, Rio Immanuel Julius
Nov-2018Menumbuhkembangkan Demokrasi Melalui Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Kritis di UKSWMambu, Joseph Ernest
2014Negotiating the Place of Spirituality in English Language Teaching: A Case Study in an Indonesian EFL Teacher Education ProgramMambu, Joseph Ernest
Feb-2023Peran Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Kritis-Spiritual dalam Menyikapi Sustainable Development GoalsMambu, Joseph Ernest
2010Personalizing Critical Pedagogies in Foreign Language EducationMambu, Joseph Ernest
2017Perspektif Multikultural Kritis bagi Pengembangan Kapasitas Guru/Pendidik Guru dan Pembelajar Bahasa AsingMambu, Joseph Ernest
2011Pessimism and Optimism in Some Critical Approaches to Language StudiesMambu, Joseph Ernest
2023The Process of Learning to Teach English Online During the Pandemic of Covid-19 at SD Inpres Vim 1 KotarajaMandowen, Jane
4-May-2023Second-Year ELE UKSW Students' Academic Anxiety in Online Learning during the COVID-19 PandemicKatiana, Kaisha
Jul-2009Students' Responses to Teacher's Questions in an EFL Reading ClassMuhu, Pinta Tri Amelia; Mambu, Joseph Ernest; Kristono, Lanny
15-Jul-2024Teacher’s Role In Shaping Students’ Speaking Performance: Students’ PerceptionsSaputra, Bagas Eka
Apr-2021Today's English Language Education Landscape From the Perspective of a Teacher Educator and University AdministratorMambu, Joseph Ernest
15-Dec-2023Unveiling Gender Inequality and Stereotypes: An Analysis of Foreign-Sourced ELT Textbooks Used in Indonesian EducationSwara, Sanditya Jati