Browsing by Author Mambu, Joseph Ernest
Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Jan-2009 | Christian Discoursing Across Tellings of the Same Story: A Case in EFL Pre-Service Teacher's Narratives | Mambu, Joseph Ernest |
24-Nov-2023 | Corporate Social Responsibility Program For Sustainable Development Goals In Gas And Oil Company At East Kalimantan | Glesia, Geovani Marstumikhe |
2023 | A Critical Narrative Inquiry into the Struggles and Agency of English Language Learners from “Underdeveloped” Regions in West Kalimantan | Mambu, Joseph Ernest; Kurniawan, Ardiyarso |
2018 | Critical Pedagogy in the ELF Era: an Indonesian-based English Language Teacher Educator’s Reflection | Mambu, Joseph Ernest |
Jun-2020 | Educational Ministry in Post-Covid-19 Era: Sebuah Tinjauan dari Perspektif Keadilan Sosial bagi Umat Manusia | Mambu, Joseph Ernest |
Jul-2023 | EFL Student’s Decision-Making Process When Using Grammarly in Their Written Assignments | Tuhuteru, Jodi Christo |
Jul-2023 | English Language Education Program (ELEP) UKSW Students' Perceptions on Translanguaging Used in Classrooms | Marganingsih, Rosa Delima |
8-Dec-2023 | English Language Education UKSW Students' Perceptions on the Use of Pronunciation Practice Application | Singal, Rio Immanuel Julius |
Nov-2018 | Menumbuhkembangkan Demokrasi Melalui Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Kritis di UKSW | Mambu, Joseph Ernest |
2014 | Negotiating the Place of Spirituality in English Language Teaching: A Case Study in an Indonesian EFL Teacher Education Program | Mambu, Joseph Ernest |
Feb-2023 | Peran Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Kritis-Spiritual dalam Menyikapi Sustainable Development Goals | Mambu, Joseph Ernest |
2010 | Personalizing Critical Pedagogies in Foreign Language Education | Mambu, Joseph Ernest |
2017 | Perspektif Multikultural Kritis bagi Pengembangan Kapasitas Guru/Pendidik Guru dan Pembelajar Bahasa Asing | Mambu, Joseph Ernest |
2011 | Pessimism and Optimism in Some Critical Approaches to Language Studies | Mambu, Joseph Ernest |
2023 | The Process of Learning to Teach English Online During the Pandemic of Covid-19 at SD Inpres Vim 1 Kotaraja | Mandowen, Jane |
4-May-2023 | Second-Year ELE UKSW Students' Academic Anxiety in Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic | Katiana, Kaisha |
Jul-2009 | Students' Responses to Teacher's Questions in an EFL Reading Class | Muhu, Pinta Tri Amelia; Mambu, Joseph Ernest; Kristono, Lanny |
15-Jul-2024 | Teacher’s Role In Shaping Students’ Speaking Performance: Students’ Perceptions | Saputra, Bagas Eka |
Apr-2021 | Today's English Language Education Landscape From the Perspective of a Teacher Educator and University Administrator | Mambu, Joseph Ernest |
15-Dec-2023 | Unveiling Gender Inequality and Stereotypes: An Analysis of Foreign-Sourced ELT Textbooks Used in Indonesian Education | Swara, Sanditya Jati |