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Title: Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Inklusi SD Negeri Klero 02 Kecamatan Tengaran Kabupaten Semarang
Authors: Widyawati, Rika
Keywords: program pendidikan inklusi;evaluasi program;model CIPP
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana FKIP-UKSW
Abstract: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: mengevaluasi pelaksanaan program inklusi di SD Negeri Klero 02 Kecamatan Tengaran Kabupaten Semarang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian evaluasi dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data ini adalah guru, kepala sekolah dan komite sekolah. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian dari evaluasi conteks menunjukkan bahwa sekolah sudah mempunyai ijin dan pedoman dalam melaksanakan program inklusi, populasi yang dilayani adalah anak berkebutuhan anak berkebutuhan khusus dalam kategori ringan hingga sedang. Hasil penelitian dari evaluasi input menunjukkan bahwa sarpras khusus kurang memadai, kurikulum telah dimodofikasi, pelatihan khusus belum merata, dan sekolah belum mempunyai guru pendamping khusus. Hasil penelitian dari evaluasi proses menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi guru cukup baik dalam menangani anak berkebutuhan khusus, penanganan secara individual, pendanaan hanya dengan BOS, belum ada monitoring lebih lanjut dari dinas terkait. Hasil penelitian dari evaluasi produk menunjukkan bahwa prestasi akademik dan non akademik anak berkebutuhan khusus rerata saja. Selain itu, ada 12 anak berkebutuhan khusus yang terlayani. Hasil evaluasi ini memberikan rekomendasi bagi sekolah serta dinas terkait demi perbaikan keberlanjutan pelaksanaa program.
This study aims to evaluate the implementation of inclusive programme in SD Negeri 2 Klero, Tengaran, Semarang regency. This study is an evaluation research with descriptive qualitative approach. The data source consists of teachers, headmaster, and school committee. The data were gathered through interview, observation and documentation. The results of this study on Context showed that the school already has got the permission as well as the guidance in order to implement the inclusive programme, the population which is being served are children with special needed start from low until medium range. the result of this study on Input showed that the special infrastructures are inadequate, the curriculum has already been modified, special trainings have not been spread evenly, and there is no special assistant in school. The result from Process component showed that the results of teachers’ competency are adequate in deal with children with special needed, individual treating, finance only with BOS fund, there is no continual monitoring from related government department. From the product evaluation, the result showed that the academic and no academic achievement of children with special needed are average. Besides that, there are 12 children with special needed who has already being served. This evaluation results then provides a recommendation for the school as well as the related government department for the sake of continued improvement of the programme implementation.
Appears in Collections:T2 - Master of Education Administration

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