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Title: Etika Tenaga Kerja Petani Padi Dusun Plumpungan, Kelurahan Kauman Kidul, Kecamatan Sidorejo, Kota Salatiga
Authors: Herdian
Keywords: etika;tenaga kerja;petani padi
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Program Studi Agribisnis FPB-UKSW
Abstract: Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu : 1). Mengetahui gambaran tentang pekerjaan petani padi. 2). Mengetahui etika mengenai ketenagakerjaan. 3). Mengetahui penerapan etika ketenagakerjaan. Jenis penelitian yang dipakai adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Penetapan partisipan dan key informan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, dan untuk teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara dokumentasi, observasi dan wawancara tak berstruktur. Dari hasil temuan penelitian menunjukan bahwa : 1). Dalam melakukan kegiatan budidayanya maka hal yang dilakukan oleh petani ialah mengolah lahan hingga memanen dengan mempekerjakan tenaga kerja yang berasal dari daerah di sekitar petani tinggal, selain itu petani senantiasa mengutamakan tenaga pada tahap penanaman untuk bekerja kembali di tahap pemanenan. 2). Kaidah-kaidah yang terdapat dalam petani padi di Plumpungan adalah kaidah kerukunan dan hormat. Kaidah tersebut tergolong sebagai kaidah penata masyarakat dimana secara lahiriah sikap sepi ing pamrih terwujud. 3).Bentuk penerapan etika ketenagakerjaan petani padi dalam penetapan upah adalah musyawarah yang mana kaidah-kaidah kerukunan dan hormat serta sikap sepi ing pamrih diwujudnyatakan. Musyawarah menjadi bernilai karena kaidah-kaidah dan sikap yang terkandung di dalamnya telah dilaksanakan oleh gabungan kelompok tani (gapoktan). Kaidah-kaidah dan sikap tersebut juga mengandaikan unsur-unsur yang lain yaitu : kebebasan dan tanggungjawabDemak Regency from December 2014 until March 2015 with 30 respondents. Retrieval of respondents performed with simple random sampling method and using the questionnaire as a tool of the interview. The obtained data were tested using T-test, F-test, the classical assumptions test and analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis.Research results concluded that: 1. The largest form of farmer participation is labor participation. The rest are blend of several kind form participation, such as idea, skill, material and money. Level of participation committed by farmers is in partnership level, where citizens and Tyto Team work together to design and implementing a public policy. 2. Simultaneously, internal factors (age, education, length of stay, occupation, number of rubuha) and external factors (leadership, communication, learning process) have real effect against participation. 3. While partially, the internal factors that influence against participation are age, education, length of stay, occupation and number of rubuha. From the external factors that influence participation are leadership and learning process. My suggestions for this research are : 1. An advanced research needs to be done regarding the strengthening of farmer groups, also 2. They need to determine the regular schedule of group meetings, 3. The suitable form of assistance from the government for the village is in the construction of a permanent rubuha, and the last is 4. Institutions such as LSM can try looking for the hidden potential that exists in Tlogoweru Village.
The purpose of this research to: 1). Finds out description about rice farmers labor. 2). Finds out labor ethic. 3). Finds out application about labor ethic This research uses qualitative descriptive method. Participant and key informan was choosen using purposive sampling technique, and for data collection using documentation, observation, and unstructured interview.The research result reveals : 1). On culture, farmers does cultivate lands until harvest with employment which around farmers from, other than that farmer always put labor at planting stage to work back at the stage of harvesting. 2). In Plumpungan farmers has norms that is rukun and respect . The norms classified as society legal norms where sepi ing pamrih attiude actualy appearance. 3). Application form of labor ethic rice farmer in Wage determination is discussion which the rules of harmony and respect and selfless attitude materialized. Discussion be valuable because its contained has been implemented by farmer group. Norms and attitude are also presuppose other elements, namely : freedom and responsibility.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Agribusiness

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