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Title: Literasi Digital Untuk Siswa Siswi Sekolah Dasar Berdasarkan Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Salatiga
Authors: Darmastuti, Rini
Winarso, Sri
Christianto, Erwin
Keywords: behavior;digital media;child;elementary school;Salatiga
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: Digital media is experiencing very rapid development. The community quickly followed and adopted it, not least with the people in Salatiga. Even as a small town, Salatiga has easy access to digital media. Digital media can be accessed by all generations, including children. The use of digital media in children today, raises many worries and concerns such as parents, educators and government. Therefore, it takes a strategy to perform digital literacy. One strategy that can be used is to do digital literacy is to use local wisdom as an approach to digital literacy. This paper is the result of research on digital literacy strategy for elementary school children based on local wisdom of Salatiga community. The study was conducted in Salatiga in 2017 using qualitative methods. Data collection is done by direct observation and in -depth interview. The results of this study indicate that the local wisdom of the Salatiga community is manifested in the form of tolerance. Tolerance among religious people becomes a passion in living everyday life and symbolized in art and dance. This local wisdom can be used as an approach to digital literacy for primary school children in Salatiga
Appears in Collections:Working Papers

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