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Title: “D’amore Voce Cantano” Resital Vokal
Authors: Gantyna, Inggit
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Program Studi Seni Musik FSP-UKSW
Abstract: “D’Amore Voce Cantano” merupakan resital vokal. Resital vokal ini bertemakan Suara Pecinta nyanyian. Repertoar yang dibawakan oleh penyaji berjumlah 10 lagu dan memiliki berbagai makna tentang suka cita, impian, kekecewaan, keterpurukan, tangisan, kerinduan, kembali kepada Tuhan, bahagia, kejujuran, keajaiban, keindahan, dan cinta. Pada sesi 1 menggambarkan tetang sukacita kemudian menjadi kesedihan, permohonan, dan kerinduan. Kemudian pada sesi 2 menggambarkan tentang keteguhan, keindahan, dan cinta. Periode repertoar yang dipilih meliputi tiga jaman yaitu Renaisance, Baroque dan Romantic. “D’Amore Voce Cantano”dilaksanakan pada jumat, 7 Agustus 2015, pukul 19.00-20.30 WIB di gedung Recital Hall, Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana.
"D'Amore Voce Cantano" is a vocal recital. This vocal recital titled Sound of singing lovers. There where 10 songs performed in this recital. Those repertoires tell the audience about joy, dreams, disappointments, adversity, weeping, longing, back to God, happiness, honesty, wonders, beauty, and love. This recital was divided into two sesions. In the first session mostly describe about joy into sadness, petition, and longing. Whereas the second sesion describe about firmness, beauty, and love. The repertoires were driven from three Eras which are the Renaissance, Baroque and Romantic. "D'Amore Voce Cantano" was held on Friday, August 7, 2015, at 19:00 to 20:30 pm in the Recital Hall, The Faculty of Performing Arts, Satya Wacana Christian University.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Music Art

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