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dc.contributor.advisorPapilaya, Frederik Samuel-
dc.contributor.advisorManuputty, Augie David-
dc.contributor.authorYonatan, Gideon-
dc.description.abstractPT. Kievit Indonesia memiliki divisi Product Development (R&D) yang salah satu kegiatan bisnisnya adalah melakukan market research. Menggunakan sistem informasi yang dikembangkan internal perusahaan, terdapat permasalahan dalam proses sensory evaluation. Penilaian sensory evaluation yang berbeda dari setiap tim panelis menghasilkan data penilaian yang berbeda juga terhadap sebuah produk. Hasil penilaian sensory evaluation antara produk yang satu dan lainnya tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan tim panelis yang berbeda. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, dibangun sistem informasi market sample database dengan menggunakan metode prototype yang dapat memberikan data sensory evaluation dari setiap tim panelis terhadap sebuah
dc.description.abstractPT. Kievit Indonesia had a division of Product Development (R&D) which one of its business activities was to do Market Research. Through using information system developed by the internal company, there was a problem in Sensory Evaluation. The difference results of Sensory Evaluation assesment from the panelists gained different data assesment toward a product. Assesment result between a product and another could not be compared by different panelist teams. To overcome such problem, researcher built an information system named Market Sample Database through using Prototype method that could give Sensory Evaluation data from every panelist team toward a product.en_US
dc.publisherProgram Studi Sistem Informasi FTI-UKSWid
dc.subjectmarket researchen_US
dc.subjectsensory evaluationen_US
dc.subjectsistem informasi market sample databaseen_US
dc.titlePrototype Sistem Informasi Market Sample Database untuk Market Research pada PT. Kievit Indonesiaid
Appears in Collections:T1 - Information Systems

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