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Title: Knowledge Sharing Pariwisata Dan Kebudayaan Biak Berbasis Website
Authors: Waromi, Demianus
Keywords: Knowledge Sharing;Kebudayaan;Pariwisata;Biak
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Program Studi Teknik Informatika FTI-UKSW
Abstract: Penerapan Knowledge Sharing memfasilatasi terciptanya komunikasi antara individu atau kelompok melalui sebuah forum.Implementasi Knowledge Sharing akan diterapkan pada sebuah website yang akan menampung Unstructured Information (informasi yang tidak terstruktur) dan Structured Information (informasi yang terstruktur) yang nantinya akan mendukung terciptanya suatu Knowledge yang bermanfaat untuk penerapan
Implementation of Knowledge Sharing facilitates the communication among individuals or groups to be formed through a forum. Implementation of Knowledge Sharing will be applied to a website which is accommodate the unstructured information, either is the structured information as well, in order to support new form of a Knowledge that has a function for the implementation of development of Biak's culture and tourism. The development system using prototype model.The result obtained is a model of the Knowledge Sharing for the Department of Tourism and society in a website using the forum provided.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Informatics Engineering

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