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Title: Efektifitas Penerapan Project Based Learning Berbantuan Web 2.0 Tools Dan DemingCycle Pada Mata Kuliah Pemecahan Masalah Matematika
Authors: Yemima, Nohel
Keywords: Deming Cycle;Matematika;PBL;PGSD;Web 2.0 tools
Issue Date: 16-Jul-2018
Publisher: Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana FKIP-UKSW
Abstract: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas penerapan Project Based Learning (PBL) berbantuan Web 2.0 tools dan Deming Cycleterhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa PGSD UKSW untuk mata kuliah Pemecahan Masalah Matematika. Penelitian ini melibatkan 52 mahasiwa yang dibagi dalam 2 kelas yang mana masing-masing kelas terdiri dari 26 mahasiswa.Pada kelompok eksperimen, perlakuan yang diberikan adalah penerapan Project Based Learning (PBL) berbantuan Web 2.0 tools dan Deming Cycle sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol diterapkan PBL tanpa Web 2.0 tools dan tanpa Deming Cycle. Hasil uji t menunjukan bahwa kelompok eksperimen memiliki peningkatan hasil belajar yang signifikan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol.Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan PBL berbantuan Web 2.0 dan Deming Cycle efektif meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa PGSD, UKSW, Salatiga pada mata kuliah Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Semester antara 2013-2014.
This is a Quasi Experimental research which goal is to know the effectivity of implementing Project Based Learning (PBL) with assistance of Web 2.0 tools and Deming Cycle towards the learning achievement in Mathematics Problem Soving Course of undergraduate students in Primary School Teacher Education Program at Satya Wacana Christian Univerisity (PGSD, UKSW). This research included 52 students which are devided into two classes consist of 26 students. In the experimental group, the treatment were given by implementing a PBL with Web 2.0 tools and Deming Cycle whereas in control group, PBL was implemented but without the use of Web 2.0 tools and Deming Cycle. The T-Test anylisis shows that the experimental group had the significant increasing of learning achievement compare to the control group. As the result, as the conclusion, in the third term of 2013/2014 accademic year, it is effective to improve students learning achievement in Mathematics Problem Solving Course by implementing PBL with the assistance of Web 2.0 tools and Deming Cylce.
Appears in Collections:T2 - Master of Education Administration

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