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Title: Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana FKIP-UKSW
Authors: Sudianto
Keywords: Kinerja;Balanced Scorecard;perspektif keuangan;perspektif pelanggan;perspektif proses internal;perspektif pembelajaran & pertumbuhan;strategi
Issue Date: 19-Jul-2018
Publisher: Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana FKIP-UKSW
Abstract: Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kinerja layanan Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan berdasarkan BSC adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Kinerja layanan FSP dari perspektif keuangan belum menunjukkan suatu “sustainable income”, pendapatan FSP masih fluktuatif dan variatif, selain itu Kursus Musik FSP belum menjadi SBU (Strategic Business Unit) yang optimal; (2) Kinerja layanan FSP dari perspektif pelanggan, khususnya kepuasan mahasiswa masih dalam katagori “cukup puas”, dan “retensi” mahasiswa yang relatif rendah; (3) Kinerja FSP dari perspektif proses internal, khususnya lama kelulusan mahasiswa masilh relatif lama, yakni 69,38 bulan atau 5,78 tahun), selain itu visi, misi FSP belum tersosialisasi dengan baik, kurikulum FSP terbaru belum tersusun, SOP belum lengkap dan belum adanya gugus penjaminan mutu; (4) Kinerja FSP dari perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan, menunjukkan bahwa potensi sumber daya manusia (dosen) memilki prospek yang baik untuk masa depan karena ada kesempatan dan kemauan studi lanjut, namun studi lanjut dosen masih belum terencana dan terjadwal dengan baik, tenaga “dosen tetap” belum merata untuk setiap alat musik, modal IT belum optimal, serta budaya organisasi dan komunikasi belum optimal; Berdasarkan hasil kinerja perspektif BSC di atas, maka disusun Strategi yang untuk peningkatan kinerja yang terus menerus atau continous improvement, yakni: FSP menjadi organisasi yang quality excellence dan cost effective; serta pengelolaan Kursus Musik FSP dapat menjadi SBU (Strategic Business Unit) yang profesional dan profitable.
The results showed that the performance of Performing Art Faculty are as follows: (1) From the financial perspective, it has not shown a "sustainable income" for the Faculty. The income of the Faculty is still volatile and varied. Besides that, the music course hasn’t been optimized as a Strategic Business unit (SBU); (2) From the customer perspective, especially the student satisfaction is still in the category of "quite satisfied", and "student’s retention" are still relatively low; (3) from the internal process perspective, especially the graduation rate is relatively long, that is about 69.38 months or 5.78 years. In addition to the vision and mission of this Faculty has not been properly socialized, the latest curriculum has not finished yet, the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is still incomplete and also here is no Quality Assurance Team handling this; (4) From the perspective of learning and growth, it suggests that the potential of human resources (lecturers) has good prospects for the future because there is an opportunity and willingness for further study, but so far, further studies for the lecturers have not been well planned and scheduled. The number of the “pemanent lecturers" are not balanced for each music instrument, the use of part time lecturers are still applied in this Faculty. The Information and Technology (IT) in this faculty is not being optimized, as well as the organizational culture and also the communication has not been optimized yet; Based on the perspectives above, the strategy for Performing Art Faculty is to increase the performance and keep on having the continuous improvement in order to be a qualified, excellent and cost effective institution; as well as the management of the music course can be one of the professional and profitable Strategic Business Units (SBU)
Appears in Collections:T2 - Master of Education Administration

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