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Title: Perancangan dan Implementasi Raport Online: Studi Kasus SD Masehi Pekalongan
Authors: Latumeten, Roy Kevin Indrawan
Keywords: SD Masehi Pekalongan;PHP;MySQL;Codeigniter;raport
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Program Studi Teknik Informatika FTI-UKSW
Abstract: SD Masehi Pekalongan adalah lembaga pendidikan berlokasi di Kota Pekalongan, terdiri dari 6 kelas dan 83 murid. Kurangnya sumber informasi orang tua murid tentang nilai raport merupakan kendala yang dihadapi, orang tua murid harus menunggu tiap akhir semester, seringkali orang tua murid kesulitan untuk memantau perkembangan nilai anaknya di sekolah. Diperlukan sebuah website Raport Online sebagai media informasi karena mudah diakses. Website dikembangkan menggunakan PHP, MySQL dan teknologi framework Codeigniter karena membantu developer dalam pembuatan website. Hasil penelitian website ini dapat memberikan informasi kepada orang tua dalam mengawasi perkembangan prestasi anak di sekolah.
SD Masehi Pekalongan is an educational institution that located in Pekalongan City, consists of 6 classes and 83 students. The lack of parents' information about the value of Online Raport is an obstacle, parents should wait for the end of each semester, parents often find that it is difficult to monitor the progress of their children's grades in the school. Required an Online Raport website as a medium of information because it is easily accessible. The website is developed using PHP, MySQL and Codeigniter framework technology because it helps developers in making the website. The result of this website research can provide information to parents in supervising the development of child achievement in the school.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Informatics Engineering

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