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Title: Pemodelan Arsitektur Enterprise (Department Maintenance) di PT Kieivt Salatiga Menggunakan Enterprise Arsitektur Enterpirse
Authors: Prayitno, Octavianus Yudha
Keywords: Department Maintenance Kievit Salatiga;Enterprise Architecture Planning
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Program Studi Sistem Informasi FTI-UKSW
Abstract: Department Maintenance Di PT Kievit Salatiga merupakan instasi dari pabrik creamer Kievit yang bergerak dibidang perawatan dan pemeliharaan mesin. Walaupun Department Maintenance Di PT Kievit Salatiga sudah menerapkan sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi tetapi penggunaan tersebut masih belum optimal. Data yang belum sepenuhnya terintegrasi dan tidak adanya dokumen khusus untuk pengembangan sistem menjadi masalah yang dihadapi Department Maintenance Di PT Kievit Salatiga. Maka dari itu adanya perencanaan strategis sistem informasi menjadi alternatif pembangunan sistem informasi Department Maintenance Di PT Kievit Salatiga. Adapun pemodelan Enterprise Architecture Planning sebagai metode yang digunakan untuk pengembangan enterprise didefinisikan dari proses bisnis, arsitektur data, arsitektur aplikasi, dan arsitektur teknologi. Dari hasil yang didapat akan berupa dokumen khusus sistem informasi, yang diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan dalam pengembangan sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi.
Department Maintenance at PT Kievit Salatiga is an instasi of the Kievit creamer factory which is engaged in machine maintenance and maintenance. Although the Department of Maintenance at PT Kievit Salatiga has implemented information systems and information technology, the use is still not optimal. Data that is not yet fully integrated and the absence of specific documents for system development is a problem faced by the Department of Maintenance at PT Kievit Salatiga. Therefore the information system strategic planning becomes an alternative for the development of the Department Maintenance information system at PT Kievit Salatiga. The Enterprise Architecture Planning modeling as a method used for enterprise development is defined from business processes, data architecture, application architecture, and technology architecture. From the results obtained will be in the form of special information system documents, which are expected to be a reference in the development of information systems and information technology.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Information Systems

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