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Title: Internet dan Komunitas MSM Studi Deskriptif antara Motivasi Menggunakan Internet dengan Pola Penggunaan Internet Melalui Pendekatan Uses and Gratifications di Kalangan Komunitas MSM Yayasan GESSANG Kota Salatiga
Authors: Gary Natanael, Theodurus
Keywords: Men Who Have Sex With Men;Motivasi Penggunaan Internet;Pola Penggunaan Internet;Uses and Gratification
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Program Studi Komunikasi FISKOM-UKSW
Abstract: Komunikasi merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang tidak dapat dilepaskan dari kehidupan manusia. Keterbukaan ini semakin di dukung oleh masuknya internet danberbagai catalog yang berisi ragam informasi mengenai homoseksual dan MSM. Melalui pedekatan Uses and gratifications penelitian ini menyoroti antara motivasi menggunakan internet dengan pola penggunaan internet di kalangan Komunitas MSM Yayasan GESSANG Kota Salatiga. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan secara deskriptif tabulasi antasa motivasi menggunakan internet dengan pola penggunaan internet di kalangan Komunitas MSM Yayasan GESSANG Kota Salatiga. Penelitian ini bersifat Deskriptif Tabulasi dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner,wawancara,dan studi pustaka. Sebanyak 59 responden menjadi objek penelitiannya. Dan hasil pengolahan data diketahui 27 reponden (45,7%) berada pada taraf motivasi sedang dalam menggunakan internet. Pada pola penggunaan media internet 25 responden (42,3%) berada pada taraf sedang.
Communication is one of the activities that cannot be separated from human life. This openness is supported by Internet and many kinds of catalogs contains of any information about homosexual and MSM. Through Uses approach and gratification this research is underlined the relation between users' motivation in using internet and pattern of the uses of internet among MSM community Yayasan GESSANG Kota Salatiga. The aim of this research is to proof the hypotheses of the relation between the motivation of using internet variable and independence variable (X) with the pattern of internet users or dependence variable (Y) among the MSM community Yayasan GESSANG Kota Salatiga. Method used in this research is Survey Method. Since the subjects of the research are less then 100 so they are all used in the research then we can call this research as population research. It means taking all the correspondents from 59 members of MSM community who like to access internet. To know whether the hypothesis is proofed or not we can know through Tata correlation spearman's level and then it can be tested the significant by defining the H0 with the limit of belief oh 100%. Then from the data we can know 27 respondents (45.7%) in the rate medium of motivation in using internet. In the usage of internet variable 25 respondents (42.3%) are in the medium rate. Based on the bivariat data analysis we may know that there is a significant correlation between X variable and Y variable with t = 5.611 which is bigger than table t in d.f = 60 (5.611>3.551 and 5.611 > 3460)
Description: Lembar Pengesahan tidak disertai tanda tangan dosen pembimbing
Appears in Collections:T1 - Communication

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