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Title: Alat Pembelajaran Solar Tracker yang Dilengkapi Data Logger
Authors: Wenno, Yoga Kurnia
Keywords: solar tracker;Raspberry Pi;datalogger
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Program Studi Teknik Elektro FTEK-UKSW
Abstract: Teaching aid(Module in Oxford Dictionary)/learning tool/module is a tool or intermediary that is useful to facilitate the learning process. This is very helpful teacher in teaching and makes it easy for students to accept and understand learning. A learning system that uses solar panels as a practicum tool at Satya Wacana Christian University still uses a manual method to record data from the harvesting of solar panels. Students are required to observe and record data about the results of harvesting energy from solar panels for a few minutes and also when the weather is rainy, students are constrained in doing practicum because of the field conditions that make it impossible for students to do practicum activities and lack of light intensity from the sun. In design, tools consist of solar tracking system in design that regulates the tool so that it can follow the direction of the sun based on the intensity of sunlight, system that can help in observing data in the form Vpanel, Ipanel, Vbaterai, Ibaterai, Vbeban, Ibeban on indoor mode, datalogger file creation with xls and png formats (graphics), and charging batteries through energy produced from solar panels. In testing this tool, the tool can follow the direction of the sun and can display information in the form Vpanel, Ipanel, Vbaterai, Ibaterai, Vbeban, Ibeban and the slope of the tools on an external monitor while indoor mode, the maximum tilt of the tool is 40˚, can create datalogger files with xls and png (graphic) format stored in raspberry pi for 30 days, can charge the battery during the process of retrieving data obtained from the energy produced solar panels.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Electrical Engineering

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