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Title: Pengaruh Umur, Gender, Tingkat Pendidikan, dan Sifat Machiavellian Terhadap Tax Evasion: Studi Kasus pada Wajib Pajak di KPP Semarang Tengah I dan KPP Gayamsari
Authors: Tanyoto, Sylvia
Keywords: tax evasion;umur;gender;tingkat pendidikan dan sifat Machiavellian
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Program Studi Akuntansi FEB-UKSW
Abstract: Pajak merupakan salah satu pedapatan negara, karena dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) pajak termasuk penghasilan rutin negara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh umur, gender, tingkat pendidikan dan sifat Machiavellian terhadap tax evasion. Penelitian ini dilakukan di KPP wilayah Semarang. Jumlah sampel 125 responden yang dipilih berdasarkan accidental sampling. Metode analisis dengan regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan penelitian ini sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa umur tidak berpengaruh terhadap tax evasion, gender tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap tax evasion, tingkat pendidikan tidak berpengaruh terhadap tax evasion, dan sifat Machiavellian berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap tax evasion.
Tax is one of the state revenues because in the State Budget (APBN), tax is included as regular income. This study is aimed to analyze the influence of age, gender, education level and the nature of Machiavellian against tax evasion. This research was conducted in Semarang KPP. The total sample of 125 respondents were chosen based accidental sampling. The method of analysis is using multiple linear regressions. Based on the results of the analysis conducted in this research, it can be concluded that the age have no effect on the tax evasion, gender have no significant effects on the tax evasion, education level have no effects on the tax evasion and the nature of Machiavellian has a significant positive effects on the tax evasion.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Accounting

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