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Title: Perancangan dan Implementasi Microservice pada Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Dusun Kuncen Desa Karangduren Kabupaten Semarang Jawa Tengah
Authors: Sitaresmi, Nurul Arifah
Keywords: microservice architecture;village library
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: The design and implementation of the information system created by the author is based on a study in Kuncen Hamlet, Karangduren Village, Semarang Regency. The research is based on the information system for the Kuncen Dusun regional library. Currently, Kuncen Hamlet does not have a library as a means of supporting learning for the community, especially for students from elementary school to tertiary education levels. So it is necessary to have supporting facilities as a means of community learning for the local area that is easily accessible. Therefore, the authors conducted research for the design and implementation of a web-based library information system using micro-architectural technology that will provide accurate and relevant book offerings. Compilation of 4 stages of designing a library information system, the first stage is Unified Modeling Language (UML), the second stage is creating a database schema using the MYSQL database, the third stage is creating a user interface and creating program code, and the last stage is testing the system. The results of research conducted in the form of a library information system using Microservice Architecture or it can be called Microservices using the php platform, MySQL database and applying it to a private cloud with Docker. Then the system testing will be carried out with the Black Box Testing technique.
Description: Tidak diizinkan karya tersebut diunggah ke dalam aplikasi Repositori Perpustakaan Universitas.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Informatics Engineering

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