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dc.contributor.authorKurniawati, Anita
dc.descriptionProceedings The 1st National Conference on ELT and Culture ‘Revitalizing the Practice of Teaching English to Young Learners in Indonesia (TEYLIN). Muria Kudus University (UMK), July 19, 2011, p. 35-43en_US
dc.description.abstractIt is believed that second language (L2) acquisition has a similar process as first language (L1) acquisition. As young children can benefit more from this natural situation, teachers need to adapt such conditions into classroom contexts. It is however argued that classroom is always a planned situation. Providing such idealistic conditions is therefore a challenge. I will begin the paper by providing a discussion on how children learn their L l. Based on the features found in L l acquisition process, an ideal L2 learning context will be discussed and to what extent it will be possible to apply. Some methods will also be reviewed to support the arguments. At the end, the paper will introduce a tool that is believed to be able to cater all the aspects needed for L2 learning, and to what extent this tool can accommodate the natural situation for teaching English to young learners.en_US
dc.publisherEnglish Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus Universityen_US
dc.subjectL1 acquisitionen_US
dc.subjectL2 learningen_US
dc.subjectnatural situationen_US
dc.subjectshared storybook readingsen_US
dc.titleBridging the Gap of Theory Into Practiceen_US
Appears in Collections:Published Research Reports

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