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Title: Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Religiusitas terhadap Etos Kerja dan Dampaknya terhadap Loyalitas Karyawan Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
Authors: Renaldy Watimena, Tony
Keywords: Organizational Culture;Religiosity;Work Ethic;Loyalty
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Magister Manajemen Program Pascasarjana UKSW
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh budaya organisasi dan religiusitas terhadap etos kerja dan pengaruh etos kerja terhadap loyalitas juga untuk mengetahui etos kerja sebagai perantara budaya organisasi dan religiusitas terhadap loyalitas karyawan Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. Dalam penelitian disebarkan kuisioner kepada 166 karyawan Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana non akademik. Jenis sampling yang digunakan yaitu non random sampling, uji hipotesis menggunakan regresi berganda dengan Path Anlysis SPSS versi 16. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh bahwa budaya organisasi mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap etos kerja, religiusitas berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap etos kerja, etos kerja mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas, dan etos kerja sebagai variabel mediasi budaya organisasi dan religiusitas terhadap loyalitas Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa budaya organisasi, religiusitas, etos kerja dan loyalitas karyawan non akademik Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana termasuk kategori tinggi. Penelitian ini juga memperkuat penelitian-penelitian lain bahwa budaya organisasi dan religiusitas berpengaruh terhadap etos kerja dan etos kerja berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas.
This study aims to determine whether there is influence in organizational culture and religiosity toward work ethics and its impact toward the loyalty of Satya Wacana Christian University's employees. Besides, it is also conducted to find out work ethic as intermediary of organizational culture and religiosity towards loyalty of the employees. This study was tested by taking the sample of 166 non-academic employees of Satya Wacana Christian University. The type of sampling used is non random sampling with hypothesis thesis that is using multiple regression from Path Analysis SPSS 16. Based on data analysis result, it is obtained that organizational culture has a significant and positive effect on work ethic, religiosity positively and significantly impacts loyalty, and work ethic itself as a mediating variable of organizational culture and religiosity against loyalty. The results of this study shows that organizational culture, religiosity, work ethic, and loyalty of non-academic Satya Wacana Christian University's employees are included in high category. This research also reinforces other studies by stating that organizational culture and religiosity affected work ethic and work ethic affected loyalty.
Appears in Collections:T2 - Master of Management

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