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Title: Social Loafing di Level Jabatan Back Office Human Resources and Services Directory dan Operasional (Studi Pada Perusahaan Ritel XYZ Cabang Jakarta)
Authors: Putra, Eka
Keywords: social loafing;perceived social loafing questionnaire;social loafing tendency questionnaire;back office;operasional;perusahaan ritel
Issue Date: 2-Oct-2017
Abstract: Social Loafing merupakan penyakit sosial yang membawa dampak buruk bagi efektifitas dan kinerja tim maupun keuntungan perusahaan. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi Social Loafing adalah tingkat kesulitan tugas. Seseorang akan cenderung memaksimalkan usaha mereka ketika mengerjakan tugas yang sulit daripada tugas yang mudah. Karyawan dari Departemen Back Office memiliki tingkat kesulitan tugas pokok dan tanggung jawab yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan karyawan dari Departemen Operasional. Sehingga penelitian ini ingin membandingkan tingkat Social Loafing karyawan pada Departemen Human Resources and Services dan Departemen Operasional pada Perusahaan Ritel XYZ cabang Jakarta, Indonesia. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan dua jenis kuesioner yaitu Perceived Social Loafing Questionnaire dan Social Loafing Tendency Questionnaire. Selain kuesioner, observasi juga dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Dari hasil uji beda two sample T-test pada program SPSS didapatkan hasil nilai signifikansi 0,750 > 0,05 , berdasarkan dasar pengambilan keputusan maka hasil dari penelitian ini adalah tidak ada perbedaan Social Loafing yang signifikan antara karyawan Departemen HRS dan Operasional pada Perusahaan Ritel XYZ cabang Jakarta, Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini disebabkan oleh kesamaan ukuran tim, tugas yang bersifat unique subtask, high involvement, komposisi jenis kelamin dan sistem pelatihan dan pengembangan perusahaan.
Social Loafing define as social disease which bring many negative impacts toward group effectivity and performance also corporate profit. One of many factor which affect on Social Loafing is task difficulty. Peoples tend to maximize their effort on the difficult task rather than the easy task. Employees from Back Office Department have higher task difficulty than the employees from Operational Department. So the aim of this research is to compare the level of Social Loafing between employees from Human Resources and Services Department and employees from Operational Department at XYZ Retail Company Jakarta branch, Indonesia. The method of this research is using two kind of questionnaire which are Perceived Social Loafing Questionnaire and Social Loafing Tendency Questioannaire. Beside Questionnaire, Observation also conducted in this research. 0,750 p-value showed as the result of two sample T-test on SPSS. Refering to the result of this research indicated that there is no difference of Social Loafing between employees from HRS Department and employees from Operational Department at XYZ Retail Company, Jakarta branch, Indonesia. The result of this research is caused by similar group size, unique subtask, high involvement task, gender composition, and company’s training and development system.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Accounting

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