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Title: Analisis Strategi Promosi Universitas dengan Data Mining: studi kasus Biro Promosi dan Hubungan Luar UKSW Salatiga
Authors: Suharyadi
Keywords: Data Mining;Clustering;Promotion Strategy Analysi
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Magister Sistem Informasi Program Pascasarjana FTI-UKSW
Abstract: Promotion is a must for any private universities to attract prospective students. The competition between them is getting tougher so that it needs a proper promotion strategy by looking at prospective students segments. Data mining and clustering method are used for classifying prospective students segments. By knowing the segments of the prospective students, promotion strategy could be structurally identified and it could hit the target. Apart from that, the cost-effectiveness could also be achieved through the right strategy. This kind of promotion model could give some advantages such as minimizing the cost and increasing the respond level. The modelling uses the available tools in the market which is Microsoft Excel with the Data Mining Technology i.e. SQL server 2008 Data Mining Add In. By implementing segmented prospective students then it could identify which areas contributes the prospective students along with the major they are interested in. It is expected that more directed and on target promotion strategies could be created
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Appears in Collections:T2 - Master of Information Systems

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