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Title: Gambaran Karakteristik Diabetic Foot Ulcer dan Perawatannya pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus di Nelamuna Wound Care Salatiga
Other Titles: Overview of Diabetic Foot Ulcer Characteristics and Care for Patient with Diabetes Mellitus in Nelamuna Wound Care Salatiga
Authors: Riyoly, Wisye
Keywords: Diabetic Foot Ulcer;DM;pengkajian luka;perawatan luka
Issue Date: 11-Jul-2022
Abstract: Latar belakang: Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) merupakan masalah komplikasi kronik penyakit Diabetes Melitus yang jika tidak ditangani dengan tepat akan menyebabkan perburukan DFU serta berakhir dengan amputasi. Setiap DFU memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda, sehingga perawatannya juga berbeda. Tujuan: Menggambarkan karakteristik Diabetic Foot Ulcer dan perawatannya pada pasien dengan Diabetes Melitus. Metode: Penelitian deskripsi analitik dengan melibatkan 12 pasien diabetes melitus dan 2 perawat di Nelamuna Wound Care Salatiga. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan lembaran observasi Diabetic Foot Ulcer Assessment Scale (DFUAS), pengukuran antropometri (berat badan, tinggi badan), pengukuran tekanan darah, pemeriksaan gula darah sewaktu, dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil: Karakteristik DFU pada 12 responden menunjukan bahwa luka lebih banyak teridentifikasi pada area epidermis (66,6%) dengan derajat luka I (75%), ukuran luka 1 cm < x ≤ 4 cm2 (66,6%), ditemukan tanda peradangan (83,3%), slough (83,3%), sedikit maserasi (83,3%), tepi luka berwarna merah muda (66,6%). Metode perawatan luka yang digunakan yakni metode perawatan luka modern (fon, alginate, zin cream, kassa, wolf, kohesif) disertai edukasi manajemen diet untuk membantu proses penyembuhan luka. Kesimpulan: Karakteristik DFU pada pasien DM cenderung beragam mulai dari kedalaman luka, derajat luka, ukuran luka, peradangan/infeksi, jaringan nekrotik, slough, maserasi, tipe tepi luka dan tunneling. Identifikasi dini luka dan perawatan intensif (jenis perawatan luka, managemen diet, obat, edukasi nakes) diperlukan untuk meningkatkan manajemen perbaikan DFU dan untuk menghindari risiko amputasi ekstremitas bawah.
Background: Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) is a chronic complication problem of Diabetes Mellitus which if not treated properly will cause worsening of DFU and end in amputation. Each DFU has different characteristics and treatment. Objective: To describe the characteristics of Diabetic Foot Ulcer and its treatment in patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Methods: An analytical description study by involving 12 diabetes mellitus patients and 2 nurses at Nelamuna Wound Care Salatiga. Data collection techniques used the Diabetic Foot Ulcer Assessment Scale (DFUAS) observation sheet, anthropometric measurements (weight, height), blood pressure measurements, blood sugar checks, and in-depth interviews. Results: Characteristics of DFU in 12 respondents showed that more wounds were identified in the epidermal area (66.6%) with grade I (75%), wound size 1 cm < x 4 cm2 (66.6%), found signs of inflammation (83.3%), slough (83.3%), slightly macerated (83.3%), pink wound edges(66.6%).The wound care method used is modern wound care methods (fon, alginate, zin cream, gauze, wolf, cohesive) accompanied by diet management education to help the wound healing process. Conclusion: Characteristics of DFU in DM patients tend to vary from wound depth, wound degree, wound size, inflammation/infection, necrotic tissue, slough, maceration, wound edge type and tunneling. Early identification of the wound and intensive care (type of wound care, diet management, medication, health education) are needed to improve the management of DFU repair and to avoid the risk of lower extremity amputation.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Nursing

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