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Title: Pengaruh Variasi Pengeringan Tanaman Herbal Menggunakan Drying Cabinet terhadap Kandungan Bahan Aktif Moringa Oleifera
Authors: Purba, Iman Yoshua Kurniawan
Keywords: optimasi;design expert;kadar air;flavanoid;fenol;optimization;design expert;moisture content;flavanoids;phenol
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: Optimasi dilakukan menggunakan Design Expert dengan metode Response Surface Methodology (RSM) secara model 23 Central Composite Design. Masing- masing faktor terdiri dari 3 level. Sebagai faktor 1 (X1) yaitu lama pengeringan yang meliputi 12-36 jam. Sebagai faktor 2 (X2) adalah suhu pengeringan yaitu 35 – 550C. Sebagai respon adalah kadar air, total fenolik dan flavanoid. Model, interaksi, dan lack of fit diuji menggunakan ANOVA. Optimasi dilakukan menggunakan model numerical yang menghasilkan desirability tertinggi dan memenuhi standar mutu bahan baku.
Optimization was carried out using Design Expert with the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) method using the 23 Central Composite Design model. Each factor consists of 3 levels. As factor 1 (X1), namely drying time which includes 12-36 hours. As a factor 2 (X2) is the drying temperature, which is 35 – 550C.As a response is the water content, total phenolic and flavanoid. Models, interactions, and lack of fit were tested using ANOVA. Optimization is carried out using a numerical model that produces the highest desirability and meets raw material quality standards.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Chemistry

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