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Title: Aplikasi Reservasi Tiket Bus pada Handphone Android menggunakan Web Service (Studi Kasus: PO. Rosalia Indah)
Authors: Fani Hartono, Fajar
Keywords: Reservation;Android;Web Service
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Program Studi Teknik Informatika FTI-UKSW
Abstract: Presentation of ticket availability information is still a manual one problems faced by the travel services for passengers have come to the ticket agent to check availability. Therefore the need for a reservation system applications. Bus ticket reservation system used for passengers booking a trip without having to come to the agency. To facilitate passengers to access this system, the bus ticket reservation application built Android-based mobile. Android is a collection of software intended for mobile devices includes an operating system. This application runs on the Android platform and integrate with applications residing on the server. Server is built to take advantage of web-based .web service. Web Service provides a standardized communication among different software applications are different, and can run on various platforms and frameworks. Through the application of this reservation, the reservation transaction is expected to be done anywhere and anytime without being bound by time and place.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Informatics Engineering

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