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Title: Representasi Bullying dalam Film CODA (Studi Analisis Semiotika John Fiske)
Authors: Pongmassangka, Dian Alexandra
Keywords: Representasi;Bullying;Semiotika;Film;CODA
Issue Date: 15-Mar-2023
Abstract: Film diartikan sebagai sebuah karya seni yang menghasilkan gambar, suara, dan selalu ada pesan yang ingin disampaikan. Film dianggap berhasil dalam berkomunikatif dengan baik jika mampu menyampaikan pesan yang berkesan dan berdampak pada penontonnya. Pengaruhnya berupa perubahan sifat, sikap, maupun pemikiran dari penontonnya. CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) merupakan film yang mengangkat isu penting yang terjadi di lingkungan sosial terutama bullying. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui, mendeksripsikan, serta menganalisis representasi bullying dalam film CODA. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis semiotika kode televisi John Fiske. Dalam penelitian ini, terdapat beberapa scene yang mengandung unsur bullying sebgaai data primer yang akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan kode televisi John Fiske yaitu level realitas, level representasi, dan level ideologi. Hasil dari analisis yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa representasi bullying pada level reailitais, yaing diaimaiti melailui kode ekspresi, perilaiku, dain lingkungain, kemudiain level representaisi dengain menggunaikain kode eknik pengaimbilain gaimbair aitaiu eknik kaimerai, dain setelaih itu paidai level ideologi yaiitu kelais, individuailisme, dain rasisme.
Film is defined as a work of art that produces images, sounds, and there is always a message to be conveyed. Films are considered successful in communicating well if they are able to convey memorable messages and have an impact on the audience. The effect is in the form of changes in the nature, attitudes, and thoughts of the audience. CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) is a film that raises important issues that occur in the social environment, especially bullying. The purpose of this study is to find out, describe, and analyze representations bullying in the CODA movie. The research method used is a qualitative research method using the John Fiske television code semiotic analysis approach. In this research, there are several scene containing elements bullying as primary data that will be analyzed using the John Fiske television code, namely the level of reality, the level of representation, and the level of ideology. The results of the analysis show that the representation of bullying is at the level of reality, which is visualized through expression codes, behavior, and the environment, then at the level of representation by using the code of gaimbair taking techniques or kaimerai techniques, and after that it is paid at the ideological level, namely class, individualism, and racism.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Communication

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