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Title: Perancangan Sustainable Packaging bagi Produk Batik Eco-Fashion Parahita Craft
Other Titles: Designing Sustainable Packaging for Parahita Craft's Batik Eco-Fashion Products
Authors: Manuputty, Dorothea Alexandra
Keywords: Kemasan sustainable;Tote bag;Batik
Issue Date: Apr-2023
Abstract: UNESCO telah mengakui Batik sebagai Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) sehingga memotivasi pengrajin batik dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat seperti halnya dilakukan oleh Parahita Craft yang memfasilitasi pengrajin khususnya perempuan melalui kegiatan ekonomi produktif. Namun komunitas ini belum memiliki kemasan yang dapat mencirikan visi komunitas mereka yang mempunyai value woman empowering sebagai karya bersama yang ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan, sehingga dirancanglah kemasan sustainable berupa tote bag multi fungsi yang dibuat dari perpaduan kain blacu dan perca batik, serta kemasan pelengkap seperti label dan kemasan pengiriman. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode kualitatif dan strategi linier. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kemasan sustainable yang dirancang dapat merepresentasikan kekuatan mode dan fashion melalui look yang stylish & fashionable.
UNESCO has recognized Batik as an Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) that it motivates the batik craftsmen to improve people's welfare as is done by Parahita Craft which facilitates the craftsmen, especially women through a productive economic activities. However, this community does not have a packaging that can characterize their community's vision of empowering women’s value as a joint work that is environmentally friendly and sustainable, so a sustainable packaging is designed in the form of a multi-functional tote bag that made from the blacu fabrics and the patchworks of batik, and the complementary packaging such as labels and shipping packaging. This study applies a qualitative method and a linear strategy. The results show that the tote bag can represent the power of mode and fashion through a stylish & fashionable look of multi-functional packaging.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Visual Communication Design

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