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Title: Identifikasi Sektor Unggulan Kota Salatiga Periode 2010-2016
Authors: Edon, Timothy Jason
Keywords: sektor unggulan;LQ;shift share;indeks spesialisasi;Salatiga
Issue Date: Aug-2020
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi ekonomi di Salatiga guna mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi Salatiga, mengidentifikasi dan menentukan sektor unggulan di Kota Salatiga untuk meningkatkan potensi ekonomi daerah. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian meliputi analisis Location Quotient (LQ), analisis Shift-Share, dan Indeks Spesialisasi. Hasil dari perhitungan analisis LQ menunjukkan sektor penyediaan akomodasi dan makan minum dan jasa perusahaan menempati urutan teratas diantara 12 sektor unggulan yang didapat. Hasil analisis Indeks Spesialisasi didapatkan nilai IS mendekati nol tiap tahunnya. Yang berarti peranan tiap sektor di Kota Salatiga cenderung merata. Berdasarkan hasil analisis Shift Share didapatkan sektor indutri pengolahan dan disusul sektor kontruksi di posisi kedua. Hal ini menandakan bahwa sektor industri pengolahan mampu memberikan konstribusi terbesar bagi PDRB Kota Salatiga. Sehingga dapat dikatakan tidak terjadi pergeseran struktur ekonomi di Kota Salatiga.
This study aims to examine the economic potential in Salatiga in order to accelerate economic growth in Salatiga, identify and determine the leading sectors in the City of Salatiga to increase the regional economic potential. The analytical tools used in the study include Location Quotient (LQ) analysis, Shift-Share analysis, and Specialization Index. The results of the LQ analysis calculations show that the sector providing accommodation and food and beverage and service companies places the top of the 12 leading sectors obtained. The results of the Specialization Index analysis show that the IS value is close to zero each year. Which means the role of each sector in Salatiga City tends to be equitable. Based on the results of the Shift Share analysis obtained the processing industry sector and followed by the construction sector in the second position. This indicates that the manufacturing sector is able to provide the largest contribution to the Salatiga City GRDP. So that it can be said that there is no shift in the economic structure in the City of Salatiga.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Economics

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