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Title: Pengaruh Family Friendly Policies terhadap Work Life Balance dan Pengembangan Karier Guru
Authors: Larasati, Novita Sandra
Keywords: Family Friendly Policies;Work Life Balance;Pengembangan Karier Guru
Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023
Abstract: Pengembangan karier guru dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor baik faktor internal maupun eksternal. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhinya yaitu family friendly policies dan work life balance. Hal ini tentunya membuat guru harus mampu menyeimbangkan dengan baik antara tanggung jawab pekerjaan dan kehidupan keluarga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji apakah terdapat pengaruh penerapan family friendly policies terhadap work life balance dan pengembangan karier guru. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan explanatory reseach dengan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah guru wanita dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 80 guru. Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil bahwa family friendly policies berpengaruh positif terhadap work life balance. Work life balance berpengaruh positif terhadap pengembangan karier guru. Work life balance tidak dapat memediasi family friendly policies terhadap pengembangan karier guru.
Teacher career development is influenced by many factors, both internal and external factors. One of the influencing factors is Family Friendly Policies and Work Life Balance, family life and other responsibilities. This of course makes the teacher must be able to balance well between work responsibilities and family life. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is an effect of implementing family friendly policies on work life balance and teacher career development. This research uses quantitative research methods. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Respondents in this study were teachers with a total of 80 teachers. The data analysis technique in this study was mediation regression using Sobel and using the SPSS version 25 application. This research shows the results that family friendly policies have a positive effect on work life balance. Work life balance has a positive effect on teacher career development. Work Life Balance cannot mediate family friendly policies on teacher career development.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Management

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