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Title: Perancangan Board Game Journey of Bengok Craft dengan Mekanik Worker Placement sebagai Media Promosi dalam Memperkenalkan Proses Bisnis Bengok Craft
Other Titles: Designing Journey of Bengok Craft Board Game with Worker Placement Mechanic as a Promotional Media in Introducing Bengok Craft Business Processes
Authors: Kristianti, Catarina Mutiara Reva
Keywords: board game;media promosi;proses bisnis
Issue Date: 22-Jun-2023
Abstract: Bengok Craft adalah usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) tentang kerajinan eceng gondok di Tuntang, Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Bengok Craft mengalami kesulitan serius di mana tidak adanya media promosi yang mendekatkan calon konsumen atau masyarakat terhadap Bengok Craft. Media yang digunakan sama dengan kompetitor sehingga tidak memiliki nilai lebih dan media yang saat ini tidak efektif, masyarakat jarang memperhatikan ketika dijelaskan mengenai proses bisnis Bengok Craft. Dilakukan inovasi media promosi untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan Bengok Craft, melalui media board game. Dengan media board game, Bengok Craft bisa menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi karena board game digunakan sebagai media edukasi menarik yang melibatkan pemain sehingga menimbulkan interaksi antar pemain. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, pendekatan kualitatif, dan strategi linear. Hasil penelitian board game Journey of Bengok Craft bisa menggambarkan proses bisnis dari Bengok Craft secara baik dan menarik bahkan sangat membantu mendekatkan Bengok Craft kepada masyarakat dan calon konsumen secara menyenangkan.
Bengok Craft is a micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) about water hyacinth crafts in Tuntang, Semarang Regency, Central Java. Bengok Craft is experiencing serious difficulties where there is no promotional media that brings potential consumers or the public closer to Bengok Craft. The media used is the same as competitors so it does not have more value and the current media is not effective, people rarely pay attention when explained about the Bengok Craft business process. Performed promotional media innovation to solve Bengok Craft problems, through board game media. With board game media, Bengok Craft can solve the problems faced because board games are used as interesting educational media that involve players so as to cause interaction between players. The research method used is descriptive, qualitative approach, and linear strategy. The results of the Journey of Bengok Craft board game research can describe the business process of Bengok Craft in a good and interesting way and even help bring Bengok Craft closer to the community and potential customers in a fun way
Appears in Collections:T1 - Visual Communication Design

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