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dc.contributor.advisorSriastuti, Anna-
dc.contributor.authorRhamawati, Yolanda-
dc.description.abstractA. Maslow introduces the five-stage hierarchy Model in his book Motivation and Personality (1954), which emphasizes the satisfaction of needs to achieve the higher self. This research analyzes a novel made by Alice Walker entitled The Color Purple and it leads on one main characters, Celie. This study was done on purpose to help analyzing how Celie gives her needs hierarchy. The writer used the theory of Maslow of needs which is the needs hierarchy. It is categorized into five which are physiological, love, safety, and also belongingness, self-esteem, and also needs of self-actualization. Based on analysis, the evolution of the personality character has been developed in every level, showing equal attentive to fresh visions into her relationships and also conduct to others. The writer also applies close reading and also contextual method on purpose to help supporting the analysis. The outcomes indicate that Celie is able to fulfill her needs hierarchy.en
dc.subjectHierarchy of Needsen_US
dc.subjectSelf-actualization Needsen_US
dc.titleThe Main Character’s Self-Actualization Using Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs In The Color Purple By Alice Walkeren_US
uksw.facultyFakultas Bahasa dan Senien_US
uksw.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI79202#Sastra Inggris-
uksw.programSastra Inggrisen_US
Appears in Collections:T1 - English Literature

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