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Title: Kajian Sosiologi Gereja Terhadap Keterlibatan Publik Gereja Diaspora Indonesia di Kota Oarai Jepang
Authors: Tarore, Lycie Lea
Keywords: Sosiologi Gereja Diaspora;Keterlibatan Publik;Komunitas Lain
Issue Date: 13-Mar-2024
Abstract: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan dan mengkaji sosiologi gereja terhadap keterlibatan publik gereja diaspora Indonesia di kota Oarai Jepang. Lokus penelitian yaitu gereja diaspora Indonesia yang berusaha melakukan integrasi sosial dalam ruang publik masyarakat Oarai. Keterlibatan atau partisipasi aktif lingkup sosial merupakan tanggung jawab gereja terhadap dunia. Gereja diaspora Indonesia menghadirkan wajah Yesus Kristus di tengah-tengah perjuangan rantau. Keterlibatan publik gereja menjadi suatu identitas warga lokal melihat komunitas Indonesia. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ditinjau dari sosiologi gereja, memberikan penjelasan dan menggambarkan fenomena yang terjadi. Hasil penelitian bahwa gereja diaspora Indonesia aktif dalam ruang publik kota Oarai untuk menghadirkan kerajaan Allah di dunia, serta mengangkat nilai-nilai masyarakat termarginalisasi. Gereja diaspora Indonesia melakukan pengenalan akan masyarakat Jepang untuk menjalin suatu keharmonisan atau proses kerjasama. Tidak tertutup pada pengelompokkan komunitas, namun interaksi berjalan ke seluruh arah.
The aim of this research is to describe and examine church sociology regarding the public involvement of Indonesian diaspora churches in the city of Oarai, Japan. The research locus is the Indonesian diaspora church which is trying to carry out social integration in the public space of the Oarai community. Involvement or active participation in the social sphere is the church's responsibility to the world. The Indonesian diaspora church presents the face of Jesus Christ in the midst of overseas struggles. The church's public involvement has become an identity for local residents to view the Indonesian community. The research uses descriptive qualitative research methods in terms of church sociology, providing explanations and describing the phenomena that occur. The research results show that the Indonesian diaspora church is active in the public spaces of the city of Oarai to present the kingdom of God in the world, as well as uplifting the values of marginalized communities. The Indonesian diaspora church introduces Japanese society to establish harmony or a process of cooperation. It is not closed to community groupings, but interactions run in all directions.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Theology

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