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Title: Analisis Karakteristik Fisik dan Kimia Es Krim Beras Merah (Oryza nivara) dengan Substitusi Sari Kedelai (Glycine max)
Other Titles: Analysis of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Red Rice (Oryza nivara) Ice Cream with Soymilk (Glycine max) Substitution
Authors: Mita, Natallie Whihel
Keywords: es krim;sari kedelai;beras merah
Issue Date: 2-May-2024
Abstract: Es krim merupakan macam olahan susu hewani yang banyak digemari oleh masyrakatat. Susu hewani mengandung laktosa yang sulit dicerna bagi orang intoleran laktosa. Sari kedelai memiliki kandungan gizi yang hampir sama dengan susu sapi, sehingga dapat menjadi pengganti susu hewani dipenelitian ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan jumlah sari kedelai yang tepat berdasarkan karakteristik fisik (overrun, kecepatan leleh, total padatan, stabilitas emulsi) dan karakteristik kimia (kadar lemak, kadar protein, sukrosa) dengan organoleptik, serta untuk mengetahui kuantitas gizi utama yaitu lemak dan protein pada es krim beras merah substitusi sari kedelai. Rancangan percobaan penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) non faktorial yang menggunakan 4 perlakuan sari kedelai dan 1 kontrol susu sapi. Taraf perlakuan sari kedelai tersebut meliputi K0:250 ml, K1:125 ml, K2:250 ml, K3:375 ml, dan K4:500 ml, yang diulang sebanyak 5 kali dan memperoleh 25 unit sampel. Metode untuk analisis data menggunakan SAS dan DMRT apabila hasilnya menunjukan beda nyata. Hasil riset menunjukan bahwa perlakuan K1 (sari kedelai 125 ml) merupakan perlakuan terbaik dalam meningkatkan nilai overrun, kecepatan leleh, total padatan, stabilitas emulsi, sukrosa, dan paling disukai. Hasil riset juga menunjukan kuantitas kadar lemak pada perlakuan K1=1,68%, K2=2,37%, K3=2,48%, K4=3,11%, dan kadar protein perlakuan K1=4,86%, K2=4,75%, K3=4,66%, K4=4,33%.
Ice cream is a type of processed animal milk that is very popular in the community. Animal milk contains lactose, which is difficult for lactose-intolerant people to digest. Soy juice has almost the same nutritional content as animal milk, so it can be used as a substitute for animal milk in this study. The purpose of this study was to determine the correct amount of soybean juice based on physical characteristics (overrun, melting speed, total solids, emulsion stability) and chemical characteristics (fat content, protein content, sucrose) with organoleptic, as well as to determine the main nutritional amounts of fat and protein in brown rice ice cream substituted with soybean juice. The experimental design of this study used a non-factorial randomized group design (RAK) with 4 soy juice treatments and 1 cow's milk control. The soybean juice treatments included K0: 250 ml, K1: 125 ml, K2: 250 ml, K3: 375 ml, and K4: 500 ml, which were repeated 5 times and yielding 25 sample units. Methods for data analysis using SAS and DMRT if the results show significant differences. The results showed that treatment K1 (125 ml soybean juice) was the best treatment in increasing the value of overrun, melting speed, total solids, emulsion stability, sucrose, and the most favored. The results also showed the amount of fat content in treatment K1 = 1.68%, K2 = 2.37%, K3 = 2.48%, K4 = 3.11% and protein content in treatment K1 = 4.86%, K2 = 4.75%, K3 = 4.66%, K4 = 4.33%.
Appears in Collections:T1 - Agroecotechnology

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