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Title: Efektivitas Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Integrated Reading and Compostion (CIRC) dan Think Talk Write (TTW) Terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Puisi Siswa Kelas V SD
Authors: Dwinurani, Lia
Keywords: circ;keterampilan menulis;ttw;writing skills
Issue Date: 27-May-2024
Abstract: Keterampilan menulis puisi siswa masih belum optimal, menjadi fenomena yang perlu diperhatikan. Model pembelajaran seperti Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) telah terbukti cocok untuk meningkatkan keterampilan membaca dan menulis puisi. Selain itu, pengimplementasian model pembelajaran Think Talk Write (TTW) juga menunjukkan potensi untuk melibatkan serta meningkatkan minat siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Namun, keterbatasan penelitian yang relevan tentang penerapan model-model kooperatif seperti CIRC dan TTW menjadi kedua model tersebut masih kurang dikenal dikalangan siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan efektivitas model pembelajaran Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) dan model pemeblajaran Think Talk Write (TTW) terhadap keterampilan menulis puisi siswa SD. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain eksperimen semu (quasi experimental design) dengan membandingkan dua kelas eksperimen yang berbeda.. analisis dilakukan melalui uji beda antar kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara penggunaan model pembelajaran CIRC dan TTW terhadap keterampilan menulis puisi siswa kelas V SD, sebagaimana terbukti dari nilai Uji-t sebesar 7.148, dimana Fhitung >Ftabel (7.148>0.3246) dan sig(2-tailed) <0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). Temuan penelitian juga menegaskan bahwa model pembelajaran CIRC lebih efektif dibandingkan model TTW dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menulis puisi siswa kelas V, sebagaimana terlihat dari peningkatan nilai posttest yang lebih tinggi. Dengan demikian, dalam konteks penelitian ini, disarankan untuk lebih memperhatikan penggunaan model pembelajaran CIRC dalam meningkatkan keterampilan menulis puisis siswa SD.
Students' poetry writing skills are still not optimal, which is a phenomenon that needs attention. Instructional models such as Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) have proven suitable for enhancing poetry reading and writing skills. Additionally, the implementation of the Think Talk Write (TTW) model also shows potential for engaging and increasing students' interest in the learning process. However, the lack of relevant research on the application of cooperative models like CIRC and TTW has resulted in these models being less known among students. This study aims to determine the difference in effectiveness between the Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) learning model and the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model on elementary school students' poetry writing skills. The research method uses a quasi-experimental design by comparing two different experimental classes. Analysis was conducted through group difference tests. The results of the study show a significant difference between the use of the CIRC and TTW learning models on the poetry writing skills of fifth-grade elementary school students, as evidenced by the t-test value of 7.148, where Fhitung > Ftabel (7.148 > 0.3246) and sig(2-tailed) < 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). The research findings also confirm that the CIRC learning model is more effective than the TTW model in improving the poetry writing skills of fifth-grade students, as seen from the higher posttest scores. Therefore, in the context of this study, it is recommended to pay more attention to the use of the CIRC learning model in enhancing elementary school students' poetry writing skills
Appears in Collections:T1 - Primary School Teacher Education

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