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Title: A Unit Shift Analysis of Dick’s Dialogues in Famous Five: Five Have Plenty of Fun by Enid Blyton
Authors: Himawan, Muhammad Fariz
Keywords: Translation;translation shift;unit shift;Catford;word to phrase;phrase to word;accuracy
Issue Date: 11-Jul-2024
Abstract: This study aimed to systematically examine the Unit Shift found in FamousiFive: Five Have Plenty of Fun, especially taken from Dick’s dialogue. This study contributes to the advancement of translation science by providing valuable insights also strengthening the understanding of unit shift translation for both readers and the author themselves. This research gives a description in translating the unit shifts, so it is expected to be very helpful for many students, especially for students interested in studying more about unit shifts in translation. The method of this research is qualitative-descriptive. This research uses Catford's classical theory about translation shift to find and describe the Unit Shift. All the data would be included in the comparative table to make it easier to compare the changes from source text (ST) to target text (TT). The researcher concludes that from 24 data in total, 21 data are accurate and well-done translated as no meanings are reduced nor omitted in the target language Bahasa Indonesia. Meanwhile, the other 3 are less accurate because of reducing even changing the meaning and the researcher gives suggestions for the closest possible equivalents.
Appears in Collections:T1 - English Literature

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