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Title: Consumptive Behavior: Financial Literacy dan Studi Mediasi Financial Management Behavior di Kalangan Pekerja di Kota Kabupaten Tabalong
Other Titles: Consumptive Behavior: Financial Literacy and a Study of Financial Management Behavior Mediation among Workers in Tabalong Regency City
Authors: Manuputty, Chinthia Febriana
Keywords: Consumptive Behavior;Financial Literacy;Financial Management Behavior;Analisis Regresi Linier Berganda;Pekerja Kota Kabupaten Tabalong
Issue Date: 16-Jul-2024
Abstract: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara financial literacy terhadap consumptive behavior melalui financial management behavior sebagai variabel mediasinya baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian berjenis kuantitatif deskriptif yang bersifat eksplanatif, dengan metode kuesioner yang diukur menggunakan skala Likert kepada responden sebanyak 210 (dua ratus sepuluh) orang menggunakan non-probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Kriteria sampel yang digunakan, yaitu responden dengan usia produktif antara 15-64 tahun dan merupakan pekerja yang tinggal di Kota Kabupaten Tabalong, Kalimantan Selatan. Beberapa trend yang ditemukan terkait dengan sampel menunjukkan bahwa (i) 76 persen merupakan pegawai perusahaan swasta, (ii) 39 persen menerima jumlah gaji yang sama dengan gaji minimum regional & 38 persen lainnya di atas gaji minimum regional, (iii) sampel didominasi oleh generasi Z berusia antara 20-29 tahun, dan (iv) 46 persen merupakan tamat pendidikan D3/S1 (diploma/strata 1) & 41 persen lainnya hanya SD/SMP/SMA (sekolah dasar/menengah pertama/menengah atas). Metode analisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa financial literacy secara signifikan mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap financial management behavior, financial management behavior memiliki arah positif terhadap consumptive behavior namun tidak secara signifikan memberikan pengaruh, financial literacy memiliki arah negatif terhadap consumptive behavior namun tidak secara signifikan memberikan pengaruh, pengaruh dari financial literacy melalui financial management behavior terhadap consumptive behavior tidak secara signifikan teruji secara ilmiah, yang mana mayoritas responden telah memiliki pemahaman dan pengalaman dalam mengelola keuangan yang ditunjukkan dari hasil olah data kuesioner, yaitu nilai rata-rata variabel financial literacy sebesar 59 dari total 75 dan nilai rata-rata variabel financial management behavior sebesar 48 dari total 60, dan memiliki kecenderungan berperilaku konsumtif yang mana ditunjukkan dari nilai variabel consumptive bahavior yang sebagian besar bernilai di atas rata-rata, yaitu 60.
This research was conducted with the aim of understanding the influence of financial literacy on consumptive behavior through financial management behavior as a mediating variable, both simultaneously and partially. The study employed a descriptive quantitative research method with an explanatory nature, using a questionnaire measured on a Likert scale. The respondents consisted of 210 individuals selected through non-probability purposive sampling. The sample criteria included productive individuals aged between 15 and 64 years who were employed and residing in Tabalong Regency, South Kalimantan. Several trends related to the sample were identified: (i) 76% of samples were private company employees, (ii) 39% received salaries equal to the regional minimum wage, while 38% received salaries above the regional minimum wage, (iii) the sample was predominantly from Generation Z, aged between 20-29 years old, and (iv) 46% had completed D3/S1 (diploma/undergraduate) level of education, while 41% had only completed SD/SMP/SMA (elementary/junior/senior high schools). Multiple linear regression analysis was used for data analysis. The results of this study indicate that financial literacy significantly has a positive impact on financial management behavior. Financial management behavior shows a positive direction toward consumptive behavior, although it does not significantly influence it. On the other hand, financial literacy has a negative direction toward consumptive behavior, but this effect is also not statistically significant. The impact of financial literacy on consumptive behavior through financial management behavior is not scientifically supported. Most respondents demonstrated an understanding of financial management based on the questionnaire data analysis, with an average score of 59 out of a total of 75 for the financial literacy variable and an average score of 48 out of 60 for the financial management behavior variable. Additionally, there is a tendency toward consumptive behavior, as indicated by the majority of respondents scoring above the average, specifically at 60.
Appears in Collections:T2 - Master of Management

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