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Title: PENGARUH PERAN GANDA TERHADAP INTENTION TO LEAVE (Studi Pada Karyawan Garment PT. Apac Inti Corpora, Bawen)
Authors: Itayudasari, Margareta
Keywords: Gender;Work-Family Conflict (WFC);Family-Work Conflict (FWC);Intention to Leave (ITL)
Issue Date: 20-Sep-2024
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan laki-laki dan perempuan terhadap work-family conflict (X1) dan family-work conflict (X2) serta pengaruh work-family conflict (X1), family-work conflict (X2) terhadap intention to leave (Y) pada karyawan Garment PT. Apac Inti Corpora. Teknik pengambilan sampel penelitian ini menggunakan non-probability sampling dengan metode purposive sampling, karena sampel yang digunakan memiliki kriteria tertentu. Data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui kuesioner dengan melibatkan 82 responden. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah uji Independent Sample T test dan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan software SPSS versi 26. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan antara laki-laki dan perempuan terhadap work-family conflict (X1) dan family-work conflict (X2). Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan work-family conflict (X1) terhadap intention to leave (Y), variabel family-work conflict (X2) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap intention to leave (Y), serta work-family conflict (X1) dan family-work conflict (X2) secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap intention to leave (Y).
This study aims to determine the differences between men and women on work-family conflict (X1) and family-work conflict (X2) and the influence of work-family conflict (X1), family-work conflict (X2) on intention to leave (Y) in Garment employees of PT. Apac Inti Corpora. The sampling technique for this study used non-probability sampling with the purposive sampling method, because the sample used has certain criteria. The data for this study were obtained through a questionnaire involving 82 respondents. The analysis technique used was the Independent Sample T test and multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS software version 26. The results showed that there was no difference between men and women on work-family conflict (X1) and family-work conflict (X2). There is a positive and significant influence of work-family conflict (X1) on intention to leave (Y), the family-work conflict variable (X2) has a positive and significant effect on intention to leave (Y), and work-family conflict (X1) and family-work conflict (X2) together have a positive and significant effect on intention to leave (Y).
Appears in Collections:T1 - Management

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