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Title: Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matemaika Bilangan Bulat dengan Pendekatan Kontekstual Pada Siswa Kelas IV SD N III Jatiroo Wonogiri Tahun 2011
Authors: Sularmi
Istiarti, Meirawai Devi
Keywords: learning achievement;contextual teaching and learning
Issue Date: May-2012
Publisher: Progdi Sejarah FKIP-UKSW dan Widya Sari Press Salatiga
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know the increasing of students leaning achievement in term of real number by using Contextual Teaching and Leaning on the fourth grade students of SDN III Jatiroto Wonogiri. The study uses classroom action research method with three cycles. The techniques of collecting data are observation and test. The subject of this research is fourth grade students of SD Negeri III Jatiroto, Wonogiri. The technique of analyzing data is by using interactive model which consists of three analysis components: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusion. Based on research result, it can be concluded that there is a significant increasing of the students' Mathematics achievement in term of real number by using Contextual Teaching and Leaning approach. It can be seen on the increasing of students average score. The students average score from pre test: 56, cycle I: 61,5, cycle II: 66,75 and cycle III: 80 (the most optimal score). Whereas for the students' leaning completeness based on Minimal Completeness Criteria that is 67, there is an increasing percentage from the pre test to cycle I, from 40 % to 55 %, in cycle II become 70 %, and in cycle III get the most optimal percentage 80%. By using contextual teaching and learning can increase the students' activeness of Fourth Grade SD N II! Jatiroto Wonogiri. It can be seen from the increasing in average of the students affective aspect for about 82,5 in cycle I, 85 in cycle II, and 90 in cycle III. Furthermore, in the average of the students' psicomotoric aspect which in the cycle I is 80, get increase in cycle II become 85, and 93,75 in cycle III. Thus, we can recommend that Mathematics leaning by using Contextual Teaching and Leaning approach can increase the students' Mathematics leaning achievement in term of real number on fourth grade students of SD Negeri III Jatiroto Wonogiri in 2011 Academic Year.
Description: Widya Sari : Jumal llmiah Pendidikan, Sejarah dan Sosial Budaya. Vol. 14 No. 2, Mei 2012, p. 123 -145
ISSN: 1412-8985
Appears in Collections:Widya Sari 2012 Vol. 14 No. 2 Mei

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