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Title: The Acceptability of Online Indonesian Children Literature
Authors: Widya S., Valentina
Setyaningsih, Nina
Keywords: acceptability;children;fiction;Indonesia;literature
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: The Faculty of Language and Literature Satya Wacana Christian University - Widya Sari Press
Abstract: Nowadays, there is a big concern that Indonesian kids prefer foreign literacy works to the Indonesian ones. Meanwhile, the development of technology has made it possible for us to express our idea freely. This influences the development of child literature; online children literature has emerged in the form of websites such as and These websites have enriched Indonesian children literature especially the modern one. This research investigates whether the contents of the stories in the aforementioned websites are suitable with a child literature construction. The data were 10 stories taken randomly from both websites. An FGD with a child literature expert and website visitors was also conducted. The data were analyzed by identifying the elements of fiction and relating the result of FGD to the text identification. The result shows that the websites have one main difference. The stories in Indonesia Bercerita are written by adult for children, while those of Kidnesia are written by children. However, the stories in both websites have similar structure. The themes are about children's daily life, such as birthdays, pets, family, and love to mother, and thus influence the characters, involving a child, family members, and friends. The plot consists of initiating event > rising action > conflict > climax > falling action > resolution. The stories contain moral values about love, friendship, and courtesy. It can be said that the stories in those websites are suitable for Indonesian kids. They are entertaining and easy to read, give knowledge, and have moral values.
Description: Proceedings The 8th International Seminar : Engaging with Literature Creatively. The Faculty of Language and Literature Satya Wacana Christian University Salatiga. P. 155 - 168
ISBN: 978-979-1098-34-12
Appears in Collections:The 8th International Seminar 2014 Proceedings : Engaging with Literature Creatively

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