Proceeding Seminar and Workshop Mid Year APECA 2015 in Salatiga : [23] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 23
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Mindfulness Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Health and WellnessSee, Ching Mey
2015Multimedia is a Tool in Gestalt Therapy for Adolescents in the Modern DaysMoo, Teresa
2015Workshop Notes Expressions of Colours and Our EmotionsLee, Khai Ling
2015Group Counseling to Increase Adversity QuotientVenty
2015Cognitive Ability, Levels of Parent's Education, Gender-Based Differences and Academic Achievement among Students of Elementary School in Semarang, Central JavaSulastri, Augustina
2015Behavioristik Counseling Approach for Improving the Individuals Self ConceptFitriana, Siti
2015The Analysis of Working Mother Role Commitment Based on Emotional Intelligence : a Review on Identity TheoryHandayani, Arri
2015An Effective Counseling Invigorates Body and SoulTyas, E. Handayani
2015Effect of Poetry-writing Therapy to Improving Students' Self-EsteemHidayat, Dede Rahmat; Kemala, Intan Nurul; Dimyati, Moch.
20157th Grade Students' Self-Awareness Improvement On Riding Motorcycles Through Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) : a Study of Wailolung Christian Junior High School, Katikutana District, Mid-Sumba RegionTagela, Umbu
2015The Effect of Content Analysis on Totto Chan Novel to Form Positive Self-Concept and Improve PGSD Students' Comprehension on Elementary School Students' ProblemAulia, Fitri
2015Genogram and Narrative Counseling: An Approach for Helping Student to Find Direction of Career ChoiceRangka, Itsar Bolo
2015Guidance and Counseling Service to Improve Early Childhood Self-Control tat Early Childhood Education at SalatigaSriyanti, Lilik
2015Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Counseling Behavior Based Religion to Reduce Teen Smoking HabitsMarsinun, Rahmiwati; Mursida; Asni
2015The Influence of a Computer Assisted Career Information Service Module on the Career Planning Ability of the 81h Grade Students from Christian Middle School 2 SalatigaPatria, Rizky Indra; Dwikurnaningsih, Yari
2015Counseling Role in Building Character Early Childhood in SchoolGunawan, Ronny
2015Generation Z and the Implications for CounselingSlameto
2015Overcoming Bullying Through Assertive Training Technique As Group Counseling ServicesSucipto
2015Self Disclosure and Assertive Behavior Characteristics Among Counseling Students at Satya Wacana UniversityPadmomartono, Sumardjono; Agustin, Adhi Krisna Maria
2015Application Group Guidance Model Aided Snowball Drilling Results to Improve Student Learning ScienceSumarwiyah; Ratnasari, Yuni
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 23