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Title: Penentuan Zona Agroekologi dan Perencanaan Penggunaan Lahan di Kabupaten Boyolali Menggunakan Sistem Autozae Version 1 Dalam Rangka Untuk Menyusun Model Ketahanan Pangan Wilayah
Authors: Simanjuntak, Bistok Hasiholan
Prasetyo, Sri Yulianto Joko
Keywords: agro ecological zone;climate;physiographic region;soil type;food security
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian
Abstract: Based on the Schmidt - Ferguson type of climate, Boyolali is dominated by Climate Type C. which is a rather wet, with humidity of around 80 percent. Boyolali do not have a document of Agroecological zone (AEZ). Agroecological zone is a grouping of a region based on the physical condition of a similar environment, where variability of plants and animals are not expected to be significantly different. The main components of agroecological zone is the climate, physiographic regions and soil type. With AEZ analysis, we can obtain integrated and adequate information concerning: (1) the state of the environment in the region, (2) the suitability of crops and technologies in the region, (3) a variety of site specific agricultural seed and technology needs, and (4) an input in order regional development planning and the development of specific commodities. AEZ maps can be used to direct the operational planning of agricultural development, because the map of AEZ contains comprehensive information about the biophysical potential of the region. The ideal fanning systems based AEZ approach can be developed based on a combination of physical and local economy approaches. The system will have an effect on the increase in the aspect of food security. Food Security and Vulnerability Map of Indonesia is based on three pillars of food security, namely: (a) food availability, (b) access to food, and (c) utilization of food. Through AEZ, will be known characteristics and potential of the land for the development of a variety of food commodities, so people do not depend on just one source of food. Based on the above issues then do research on AEZ using AUTOZAE system Version 1 in Boyolali is conducted, to arrange alternative agricultural development, so that it will be able to prepare the ideal model of food security carrying capacity. The analysis for the determination of the Composite Food Security Index created by using Principal Component Analysis (RCA). The results of the analysis of the system AUTOZAE Version 1 showed that the composite index of food security at the sub-district level in Boyolali varies from low to moderate
Description: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pemanfaatan dan Pendayagunaan Lahan Terlantar Menuju Implementasi Reforma Agraria. Bogor 2013. Available on
ISBN: 9789793566955
Appears in Collections:Unpublished Research Reports

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