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Title: Perilaku Transaksi Non Tunai: pengujian Theory of Interpersonal Behaviour
Authors: Kusakristie, Bennardi
Keywords: cashless society;theory of interpersonal behaviour;perilaku transaksi;transaksi non tunai
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Magister Manajemen Program Pascasarjana UKSW
Abstract: Cashless society atau sebuah komunitas dengan perilaku transaksi non tunai telah muncul pertama kali saat kartu pembayaran umum pertama kali diperkenalkan di awal tahun 1950. Perkembangan jenis alat transaksi dan penetapan beberapa regulasi oleh pemerintah diharapkan mendorong terciptanya perilaku transaksi non tunai. Penelitian sebelumnya meneliti bahwa perilaku transaksi non tunai terwujud karena perkembangan jenisalat pembayaran non tunai, dan kemudahan serta biaya transaksi yang murah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa kebiasaan (habit) juga dapat membentu perilaku transaksi non tunai dengan menggunakan Theory of Interpersonal Behaviour yang dikemukakan Triandis (1977). Sampel penelitian adalah 155 responden pengguna jasa keuangan bank yang memiliki paling tidak satu alat pembayaran non tunai. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa selain dibentuk dari minat, dan fasilitas yang mendukung, kebiasaan juga turut membentuk perilaku transaksi non tunai.
Cashless society or a community with a non-cash transaction behavior has come up first when general payment cards were first introduced at the beginning of 1950. The development of the type of a non-cash transaction tools and determination of some regulation by the government is expected to encourage the creation of non-cash transaction behavior. A previous study observed that the behavior of non-cash transactions created because of the development of non-cash payment instruments, easiness, as well as transaction costs are cheap. This study aims to prove that the habit can also creates behavior of non-cash transactions, using the Theory of Interpersonal Behaviour proposed Triandis (1977). The research sample was 155 respondents users of financial services of banks that have at least one non-cash payment instruments. The results of this study showed that apart from the established interests, and facilities that support, habits also shape the behavior of non-cash transactions.
Appears in Collections:T2 - Master of Management

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