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Title: Teachers’ Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary for Elementary School Students in SD Kristen 03 Salatiga
Authors: Puspitasari, Riza Galuh
Keywords: vocabulary;young learners;teaching technique
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FBS-UKSW
Abstract: This research was conducted in order to analyze the techniques used by teachers in teaching vocabulary for elementary school students in Salatiga. The participants of this study were three elementary school English teachers in Salatiga. The data were collected through classroom observations and semi-structured interviews which allowed the teachers to share their thought and experience in teaching vocabulary. The findings revealed that the teachers used pictures, repetition and pronunciation drill frequently in teaching vocabulary as it was suitable for young learners and easier to check the students understanding and abilities.
Appears in Collections:T1 - English Education

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