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dc.contributor.advisorLahade, Jhon
dc.contributor.advisorKudubun, Elly
dc.contributor.authorSamloy, Angelbert
dc.description.abstractThe Church is a group of believers who have the basic rules (constitution) as the basis of motion that govern the lives of both organizations (church) and the people or congregation. However, it is also realized that churched life setting would not be separated from the dynamics of social change. The inability to give the right solution for them, is implicated on demand and change support. In the perspective of conflict, social change is not only seen as a symptom that is inherent in community life (including the church as an organization), but also considered to be sourced in the fact that every people know the unequal distribution of authority, which is always internally contradictory. In reality, the internal contradiction confirms the existence of the claimant group (demand) and support groups (support) or in other word internal contradiction confirming the legitimacy.This study aims to answer two main issues: what factor underlying the split of Ikhtus Wari congregation after the cleavage of Sinode GMIH, and patterns of interaction between congregations of Ikhtus Wari after the cleavage. In order to answer the research objectives, the qualitative method is used as a direction in digging and getting information. The consequence of this methodology is converging on the type of descriptive and explanatory research.Based on the analysis results, some important findings related to the splitting of the church Ikthus Wari and post-cleavage patterns of interaction, are: a) the conflict of elite interest that occurred at the level of Synod GMIH was implicated on the support of the members of congregation on particular elite after the Special Session of the Synod; b) This support appeared on the basis of shared interests, both political-administrative-interest referred to the status of a civil servant (PNS), as well as the familial interests referred to the strengthening of the brotherhood on clan system; c)Elite behavior on the level of congregation is not neutral. This thing referred to the Church agreement to send their four “elite” people in a Special Session of the Synod as the neutral messenger; d) the impact of the split members of the Church Ikhtus Wari result on the damaged of social harmony or no longer in harmony; e) The interaction between members of the Church were also associated with the leadership of the Church becomes unharmonious, they were suspicious, forced smile, and talks become “small talks” only; f) the existence of distribution of Sunday service hours in the church, due to the elite (especially pastors and elders) that became fragmented and they supported actors and certain groups, on the basis of faith in the truth according to their version, made the situation worse; and g) members of the Church who were thirsty of "fresh water" were in confusion of deciding the attitude because each group (elite) offered "clean and fresh water" to taste the actual fragments represent only the truthen_US
dc.publisherProgram Studi Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacanaid
dc.subjectGMIH synoden_US
dc.subjectsynod sessionen_US
dc.subjectsynod special sessionen_US
dc.subjectBPHS dorume versionen_US
dc.subjectBPHS SSI versionen_US
dc.subjectikthus wari congregationen_US
dc.subjectinteraction patternen_US
dc.titleKonflik Sinode Gereja Masehi Injili di Halmahera (GMIH) : Studi Sosiologis Tentang Pola Interaksi Warga Jemaat Ikhthus Wari Pasca Perpecahan Sinode GMIH Tahun 2013id
Appears in Collections:T1 - Sociology

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